Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014

New Beginnings...

It's a New Year, all the hustle and the bustle of the holidays are behind us. Time to begin a new year and with that, the internet is bombarded with all the things that everyone is thinking about for 2014--their goals, resolutions, their one word or projects. Much luck to all, that they will stick with things and complete them. Usually, I have found that it only takes a few weeks, if that, for all that gusto to fly out the window and along with that the goals or resolutions too. Some things may stick but life takes over and usually our good intentions just become memories....

So, this year I am in that category of there are things I want to work on too. Goals that I want to set, areas in my life that need work. Not just with the New Year but through the whole year and so on. Habits that need breaking and new habits that need forming.

Blogging is a big step for me. This is my very first post to my very first blog. Although I am not an eloquent writer (hope that improves as I go along), I think it will be fun. 

So, off to my goals and projects and things I want to share in the year ahead....

My one word...I have been thinking about this for several days now. And I think my one word is FOCUS.

 Fo-cus  noun  \ˈfō-kəs\
: a subject that is being discussed or studied
: the subject on which people's attention is focused
: a main purpose or interest

I really need to learn to focus on what I am working on. To not let my thoughts stray, my emotions carry me away or the busyness of life it's self. To concentrate on the task at hand not the million other things that are waiting and calling for my attention...I want to grow this year in my walk, I want to learn, memorize and put to use what it is I am learning. And I need to be able to focus on what I am doing for all that to really take affect. 

I want to do the 365 gratitude project with the pictures. As well as the 3 blessings a day. I think it is a good thing to remind my self of the things on a daily basis that I have in my life to truly be thankful for. 

I want to get back into angelling and keep my commitments. 
To work on our finances, my marriage, my responsibilities at home and some things within myself that need sorted out.

I also want to do some crafting and will be sharing that as well. 

So, as you see that will be lot's of topics to share...I hope you will enjoy sharing this journey with me. 
Welcome 2014, it's a New Year and as the picture says up above with 365 blank pages to write as we see fit. We can choose to be happy and blessed or to be down and stressed. I want this year to be different so here's to change....